About the project

For the city of Biel and  its public transport authority (VB), the strategic decision to operate 10 lines with battery trolleybuses in the future is a milestone in achieving the climate targets. The conversion of diesel lines to battery trolleybuses increases the power demand on the existing electrical energy supply network. Additionally, for in-motion charging (the charging of bus batteries under overhead lines), a sufficient minimum proportion of overhead lines must be made available for each route. The energy supply network serves as the backbone for ensuring a robust and stable operation.

Detailed and well-founded groundwork is essential for initiating and implementing such a project. Simulation calculations play a central role in this process. The study aims to develop an energy supply concept that builds on the existing network and minimises the need for infrastructure measures. This involves considering both the expansion of the overhead line network and the implementation of stationary charging stations at terminal stops.

Extract from our simulation in Fabel for the public transport authority in Biel

Our contribution

Enotrac carried out a comprehensive network study to identify the requirements for the future electric grid and to derive targeted measures, such as additional rectifier stations, partial expansion of the overhead line network, or the location of charging stations.

Using the proprietary simulation software Fabel, the future bus operations were modelled in interaction with the supplying electrical grid. The simulation results were first used to develop the concept and ultimately for the definitive design of the necessary energy supply systems.

A key evaluation criterion was the energy balance of each vehicle. Based on the network simulations, potential measures were assessed and verified in terms of their the benefits, leading to develop a robust overall concept. The concept considers different scenarios and includes coordinated measures to achieve the highest possible synergy effect across multiple lines.

With the network study, Enotrac has laid a solid foundation for the electrification of Biel’s bus fleet. The developed energy supply concept enables a stable and reliable operation of the future battery trolleybus network – marking a decisive step towards sustainable mobility.

  • Client

    Verkehrsbetriebe Biel, VB

  • Period


  • Location

    Biel, Switzerland

The key figures

Simulation variants
Number of bus routes studied in the TPB VB’s urban transport transit network
Number of bus types included considered in the study

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