Fabel simulation software

Fabel was developed by Enotrac for the investigation, design and dimensioning of electrical traction power supplies. It includes several modules to cover different applications by means of simulations.

Enotrac continuously invests in expanding the functionality and performance of the engineering tools and software that constitute Fabel. These are successfully used in a large number of infrastructure projects.

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Interference Current Monitor

In cooperation with Telma AG, Enotrac has developed the Interference Current Monitor (ICM); a protective device that monitors the primary current of a railway vehicle for potentially dangerous interference current frequencies. If these interference currents exceed the specified limits for more than the permissible time, the ICM opens a relay contact with which, for example, the main switch of the vehicle can be opened.

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Romonto – The monitoring solution for your rolling stock

The Romonto monitoring and diagnostics tool has been developed as a basis for optimizing operating and maintenance processes based on condition and diagnostic data. It forms a core component on the way to condition-based and predictive maintenance of rail vehicles. The aim is to increase both the operational quality and the efficiency of the organization.

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ODOMAG – The speed sensor

ODOMAG is based on an innovative method for the robust, highly available and reliable determination of the speed of trains, which together with the earth’s magnetic field and the magnetic field of the track substructure results in the magnetic signature of the track.

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Theseus – The RAM calculation tool

The Enotrac RAM calculation tool, Theseus, is based on graph theory and RAM formulas for series and parallel circuits. The goal is to provide a meaningful calculation tool for meshed networks such as supply networks and radio systems.

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