About the project

The new Elizabeth Line enables high-frequency commuter traffic on the east-west axis in London. This complex project with an investment volume of over £18 billion was started in 2009 and was completed in 2022.

As part of the design of the 25 kV / 50 Hz traction power supply for the major Crossrail project, the feeder concept and the grounding and return conductor concept must be prepared, and proof of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) must be provided.

Our contribution

Enotrac carried out simulations for the ATC (Alstom TSO Costain) / AC (Alstom Costain) JVs using the software tool Fabel to confirm the ratings of the traction power systems and cabling for the route sections from Royal Oak Portal to Pudding Mill Lane and Plumstead Portal. The study investigated the possibility of eliminating the autotransformers at Custom House and Pudding Mill Lane and replacing them at Stepney Green. The subsequent definition of the earthing and return conductor concept was also based in part on the simulations carried out with Fabel.

Enotrac was responsible for the verification process for the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of the power supply with third-party systems in accordance with the standard EN 50121. In the process, the team also carried out measurements and identified possible hazards. Those have been systematically recorded in a hazard protocol so that the requirements for the equipment could be specified.

Facts and Figures

billion investment
total line length
opening 2022
  • Client

    Crossrail Ltd.

  • Period


  • Location

    London, UK

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